Retainer for Supa - / Smartvent "Aluminium"
Bei diesem Artikel handelt es sich um eine Aufnahme (Aluminium) mit einem PTFE-Halter, welcher mit einem Sitz für das entsprechende "Vent" versehen ist. Stahl Ø 30x20mm + PTFE Ø 20x50mm - für LS08 Stahl Ø 40x20mm + PTFE Ø 30x75mm - für RJ1 & VG13 Stahl Ø 50x75mm + PTFE Ø 50x75mm - für M19 & B19 Weitere Größen auf Anfrage möglich!

One-Way Breathers (Filters)
filter-vents is a one way venting technology for small rotational molding that accelerates the sintering process, improves the surface finish of parts, does not restrict part shrinkage, and ultimately shortens cycle times. The filter vent is intended as a disposable solution and needs to be replaced after every cycle.     easy installment, easy replacement  The Ø 7.8mm filter is stuck directly into a hole in the mould wall (or Teflon pipe). After each cycle, the filter is pulled out and replaced with a new one  The Ø 15mm filter is intended only as a plug for a matching Teflon tube. The filter is hidden in the tube and not exposed to direct heat. Reproducibility, no deviating breathing properties from cycle to cycle  most cost-effective venting solution   "

Intellivent is an  one-direction venting technology for rotational moulds, that will speed up the sintering process, improving parts surface finish, not restricting parts shrinkage and ultimately reducing cycle times. The Intellivent is the latest addition to the Supa- and Smartvent family, and as those is especially designed for working in a rotational mould and are produced from a heat-resistant, flexible polymer.    Unlike Supa- and Smartvent the new Intellivents cannot be installed right to the mould wall, but require an installment inside a specially prepared PTFE tube. Such prepared PTFE tubes can be sourced through us, or with the use of a “Intellicutter” can be prepared accordingly on sight. This combination of materials reduces the size and cost of the vent while making it more robust.   The patented Intellivent technology is available in two (2) sizes, for application in PTFE tubes with an ID of either 19mm, or 39mm. Why Intellivent? ·         Simple to install and use ·         Reduces scrap rates, cycle time and production cost per cycle ·         Repeatable venting conditions, improving process control ·         Will not get affected by large shot weight / powder pool ·         Avoids part-line blowhole problems ·         Easy to incorporate into pressurization systems  

Mouse Dome is a single-direction venting technology especially for large rotational moulds with a high material input. This venting can accelerate the sintering process, improve the surface finish of the parts and ultimately shorten cycle times. The Mouse Dome is made of temperature resistant silicone and is designed to be easily clipped onto a suitable Teflon adapter. The Teflon adapter, on the other hand, can be installed on the steel vent pipe which typical are used for venting of large moulds. The stable dome shape also withstands big powderpools and prevents the material from escaping through the venting process, while still ensuring unobstructed ventilation during the cooling phase. Due to the internal application principle, the Maus Dom can provide maintenance-free venting for up to 50 and more cycles (depending on PIAT and oven time). The mouse dome is also ideally suited for applications with internal air cooling.

each 1 meter  

Retainer for Supa - / Smartvent "Steel"
Bei diesem Artikel handelt es sich um eine Aufnahme (Stahl) mit einem PTFE-Halter, welcher mit einem Sitz für das entsprechende "Vent" versehen ist. Stahl Ø 30x20mm + PTFE Ø 20x50mm - für LS08 Stahl Ø 40x20mm + PTFE Ø 30x75mm - für RJ1 & VG13 Stahl Ø 50x75mm + PTFE Ø 50x75mm - für M19 & B19 Weitere Größen auf Anfrage möglich!

Smartvent is a one-direction venting technology for small to medium sized rotational moulds, that will speed up the sintering process, improving parts surface finish, not restricting parts shrinkage and ultimately reducing cycle times. Smartvents, like its bigger brother the Supavent, are especially designed for working in a rotational mould and are produced from a heat-resistant, flexible polymer. Having a shorter profile and height, Smartvents are ideal for application in smaller, shallower moulds or even in tight spots or kissed-off sections in a rotational mould. They only require an appropriate hole drilled in the mould wall to be installed. That makes these vents fantastically easy to apply to mould and to use in production. However to increase the lifespan of Smartvents we recommend to install the vents inside an insulative sleeve such as PTFE tube or similar. (see our specially made retainers for Smartvent sizes) The patented Smartvent technology is available in four (4) sizes, for application on either 8mm, 13mm or 19mm holes. The carefully designed slits on the dome end of the Smartvents will allow air to easily enter into the mould but does not allow it to escape. These radical breakthrough vents will not require any packing material such as steel wool or others, making venting of the rotational mould a reliable and consistent operation. Why Smartvent? ·         Simple to install and use ·         Reduces scrap rates, cycle time and production cost per cycle ·         Repeatable venting conditions, improving process control ·         Does not restrict par shrinkage ·         Avoids part-line blowhole problems ·         Easy to incorporate into pressurization systems  

Supavent is a one-direction venting technology for medium sized rotational moulds, that will speed up the sintering process, improving parts surface finish, not restricting parts shrinkage and ultimately reducing cycle times. The vents are especially designed for working in a rotational mould and are produced from a heat-resistant, flexible polymer. They only require an appropriate hole drilled in the mould wall to be installed. That makes these vents fantastically easy to apply to mould and to use in production. However to increase the lifespan of Supavents we recommend to install the vents inside an insulative sleeve such as PTFE tube or similar. (see our specially made retainers for Supavent sizes) The patented Supavent technology is available in two (2) sizes, for application on either 13, 19 or 25mm holes. A carefully designed slit down the long side of the Supavent will allow air to easily enter into the mould but does not allow it to escape. These radical breakthrough vents will not require any packing material such as steel wool or others, making venting of the rotational mould a reliable and consistent operation. Why Supavent? ·         Simple to install and use ·         Reduces scrap rates, cycle time and production cost per cycle ·         Repeatable venting conditions, improving process control ·         Does not restrict par shrinkage ·         Avoids part-line blowhole problems ·         Easy to incorporate into pressurization systems  

Supavent stiffening pin
The Supavent stiffening pin for Supavent H25 & M19 does exactly what its name suggests. The pin helps to increase the stiffness of the vents and to avoid deformation due to loose powder inside the mold, which could cause powder to escape.   The pin is inserted into the respective Supavent and slipped over the flange at the bottom, whereby it is securely connected to the vent.

Die Technovent-Baugruppe wird mit einer Madenschraube geliefert, die entweder zum Festhalten der Thermoelementsonde (oder des Versteifungsstifts) oder zum Blockieren des Thermoelementkanals verwendet wird, damit die Druckluft nicht austritt. Wenn Sie eine Thermoelementprobe verwenden, setzen Sie zuerst die Probe ein und ziehen Sie dann die Madenschraube an, um sie zu arretieren.